Useful Links
Local Clubs - including map to their greens
Aldingbourne & District Bowls Club.
Aldingbourne Community Centre. Olivers Meadow, Westergate, West Sussex, PO20 6YA PO20 6YA -
Arundel Bowling Club.
The Pavilion. The Bowling Green, Mill Rd, Arundel, West Sussex, BN18 9PA BN18 9PA -
Fishbourne Bowling Club.
The Playing Field, Blackboy Lane, Fishbourne, West Sussex. PO18 8BE PO18 8BE -
Haywards Heath & Beech Hurst
Princess Royal Hospital, Lewes Road, Haywards Heath, West Sussex, RH16 4BB RH16 4BB -
Witterings & District Bowls Club
Downview Close, East Wittering, Chichester, West Sussex. PO20 8NS PO20 8NS
A Beginner's Guide to Lawn Bowling
An alternative beginners' guide to bowls with links to other infomation.